Our Needs to Meet our Goals

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Carpenter's Friend is Seeking Donation of a Motorhome to Be Used to Travel Setting Up and Implementing Our Carpentry Vocational Programs in an Efficient Manner

As we hear from numerous states in response to my letters of introduction of my husband William Gustavson and his programs, we need a means to get us there in an organized fashion that will make possible efficient presentations and implementation of The Carpenter's Friend Programs.

We have not only listed a Motor Home as one of our needs on http://www.thecarpentersfriend.com/ but we have begun searching the Internet for private owners of Motor Homes who may not be using theirs as much as they thought they would and be willing to donate theirs and receive a Tax Write Off for the Blue Book Value of their Motor Home which they must be paying Property Tax on and not reaping a benefit from.

We are also trusting Almighty GOD to raise up regular monthly donors to The Carpenter's Friend to pay for the operating costs of this vehicle and all other expenses that setting up new class rooms will incur.

We are writing actual manufacturers asking them to sponsor us by regularly providing hand tools and tool boxes to be used by the inmate students while in our program and for them to keep as their own when they successfully complete our programs and are released into society.

This is to be a motivator and they will be equipped with what they need to start on an entry level carpentry employment position that we teamed with Joblink help them find.  And The Labor Department has agreed to certify them in.

Both my husband and I myself have written several Foundations asking for seed money for start up, some wrote back quickly saying their Bylaws only allow them to support Grades K-12; or that they only support Higher Education...Colleges and Universities.

I actually telephoned Mead Inc because I had technical difficulty typing into their form.

I was blessed to have my call received by a very kind young woman who was very polite however said that they too only donate directly to schools grades K-12.

She kindly gave me anther Foundation name to try but they too said that they supple teachers in certain states with classroom materials at the beginning of each new school year.

The Second Chance Act which opened the legal doors for our work to be done was passed this calender year, so prior to now how would long established Foundations have had the option to include our sort of work in their bylaws.

I have come to realize that  Foundations already in existence who are interested in our work will need to have meetings of their Board Members to vote to amend their Bylaws before they can support our work.

Now that these doors are opened we now seek you...our faithful tithing neighbors who like us believe that all men are created equal and that each man woman & child born on earth of a woman was created uniquely in HIS image by GOD for GOD with talents and gifts that are not given to any other.
Some persons however, need one on one personal help developing and refining their gifts and talents.

We seek you who are tired of the same old same old ineffective ways of giving prisoners mere busy work to prevent riots among the imprisoned inmates to contribute  monthly and or one time donations to provide textbooks, tools, salaries for carpenters William will hire and train to teach, implement and maintain our programs in each state or area.

William will remain in each facility area as long as it is required to get each program implemented and running smoothly and self sustained before moving onto the next state or the next facility within a state.

William will always remain available to the Governors, Corrections Officials and to The Carpenter's Friend employees he has trained in order to support and or maneuver through any unforeseen obstacles.

We thank and pray for you, all of our supporters, that GOD will multiply back to you infanitely more than you can ever ask think dream or imagine!

HE not only full fills our needs...but HE gives us also our seed...and when you plant your seed into the rich good soil of The Carpenter's Friend....you can expect a harvest from Almighty GOD Himself!

Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!

Many Thanks,

Mrs. William Gustavson

We need not be a carpenter to help build new lives! Contributing Friends of The Carpenter's Friend give more than hope to prisoners... Through Their Donations & Sponsorships they place the tools & the ability to use them in their hands to build not merely Homes and Buildings but to Build new lives for themselves and each one they Meet & Greet Along Every Street Every Day!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

You Need Not Be A Carpenter To Build Better Lives For Others...While Treating Yourself!

All Of us are building something at all times...

The question is what we are building?  And while we are building or we demolishing something or someone who is more valuable than what we are constructing with the fruits of our mouth?

For some folks, the bitter fruits of their own lips...
Their word choices critical, and harsh...often destroy others in their path of life before catching up to themselves.

With their own tongue they isolate others and themselves at the same time...
But their targets often in their loneliness, and frustrations... 

Often drop out of school...figuring its better to be a drop-out...get any sort of job...
Than to be ABUSED!

The news reports constantly are reporting different statistics of the number of Middle School & High School aged drop-outs increasing.

Just a few nights ago it was reported on National News of a young boy who loved everyone yet hateful children bullied him till he committed suicide than to continue to be victimize by such constant terrorizing hatred...bullying!

Those who bully others are themselves on the inside insecure....AFRAID themselves.  By acting mean and tough...Their own BLUFF...In their own eyes they think that they have a better image to others if they act tougher than they are!

Sad thing...is that all of these fallacies...are just that Falsehoods...Untruths!  Fakes!

Fakes always eventually break and fall apart.

For The Truth & only The Truth sets anyone free and sets them apart and above all the Fakey Flakeys...

Far above & beyond...

So even if you are not a Carpenter and cannot construct a house with wood, hammer & nail....
Drivers or screws...

You can choose to always be building strong foundations of confidence, joy, contentment, and eagerness to learn and achieve...in everyone you meet and greet along every street you walk within your day.

While all of us make make the conscious choice to be lifters instead of sifters...
 Poking eyes out with harsh words that divide...
Eventually our hearts become transformed by the purposeful affirming word choices we make...

And a time will come that even the toughest of critical hearts...after months of practice speaking affirming kindnesses to others...will become gentle and tender hearted themselves.

As Mother Theresa once told a bunch of business men who wanted to giver her billions of dollars to PURCHASE WORLD PEACE...

"Go home to your own wives & children...to your work places & your own communities and SMILE AT THEM! 

They will know you love them....Feeling loved your children will smile & love other children...they will be happy...and bring that love home to their parent & families & neighbors and they will be loved and happy too!

Your wives loved by you will smile at grocery store...at the post office and she too will spread love that is taken home by others.... Love freely given & received makes the world go round!"

So let us all be encouraging builders of confident, ambitious, courteous, kind striving neighbors...
Brothers and Sisters!

As we do we will be strengthening and blessing ourselves too...

Building instead of bullying always has greater and lasting benefits....
Relationships that bless oneself and others...and raise all to higher hieghts instead of prisons of ones own making.

Become a Friend and Follower of The Carpenter's Friend today!         

We have our Educational 501(C)(3) Non-Profit Public Charity status.

So please please support us by contacting Debbie to make Bank Transfer Tax Deductible Donation today!   We operate solely on Grants and Donations to pay the Carpentry Teachers we hire & train to work in jail & prison settings.